• Plate Pack: Consists of multiple thin metal plates that are brazed together to form a series of parallel channels.
  • Hot Flow Channels: Channels through which the hot fluid flows, releasing heat.
  • Cold Flow Channels: Channels through which the cold fluid flows, absorbing heat.
  • Flow of Hot and Cold Fluids:
    • The hot fluid enters the heat exchanger and flows through the hot flow channels in the plate pack.
    • The cold fluid enters the heat exchanger and flows through the cold flow channels in the plate pack.
    • The hot fluid and cold fluid flow in opposite directions in adjacent channels (counterflow arrangement) to enhance heat transfer efficiency.
  • Heat Exchange:
    • The heat from the hot fluid is transferred to the cold fluid through the metal plates.
    • Due to the thinness and good thermal conductivity of the plates, heat transfer efficiency is very high.
    • The cold fluid's temperature increases as it absorbs heat, while the hot fluid's temperature decreases as it releases heat.
  • Fluid Outlets:
    • The cooled hot fluid and the heated cold fluid exit through their respective outlets.

Brazed plate heat exchangers are widely used in HVAC, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries due to their high heat transfer efficiency, compact structure, and reliable performance.

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